I CANNOT say that it has been easy for this girl, that we have always gotten along, or that I have always understood everything going on, but.... I CAN say that I have always loved her, tried my best to be supportive in her healing and growth, and only wanted the utmost BEST life for her!
She adds joy and laughter to my life. I am PROUD of her for the baby steps, for the courage, her strength, and efforts toward a great future! You know when you have that feeling in your gut (at yoga we call it our 'core center')?... well I have that feeling for this special girl and I see a new, bright beginning in her future! I love you and will continue to stand by your side!
I see it like this budding runnuncula; it doesn't go from a seed to a flower or even a bud to a flower in one day. Layer by layer it opens to reveal its wonder!